Each year over 95% of leavers move on to Higher Education either immediately or after a gap year. The most popular universities are the research intensive institutions. Typically, around 15-20 students will win places at Oxford or Cambridge and significant numbers move on to universities such as Warwick, Southampton, Bristol, Exeter and Nottingham. In addition, we take as much pleasure in seeing students achieve well on courses such as Degree Apprenticeships, Art Foundation degrees or specialist computer programming courses. In recent years students have gone on to study at drama school and conservatoires as well as universities.

The top eight leavers' destinations in 2024 (in alphabetical order) were:

  • Loughborough University
  • University of Bath
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Cambridge
  • University of Leeds
  • University of Nottingham
  • University of Southampton
  • University of Warwick

We have also supported a good number of students in applications to foreign universities, including Stanford, University of British Columbia, Macgill, Trinity College Dublin, Groningen, Zurich and Maastricht. In recent years students have won soccer, rowing, golf and tennis scholarships to US colleges.